
Brad Case, senior vice president, research & industry information at Nareit, traveled through the South earlier this month, discussing REIT investing with the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) societies in five cities.

The sessions each garnered audiences of 30 to 40 people, ranging from individual investors and advisers to the chief investment officer of a statewide public sector defined benefit pension plan. The presentation was so well-received that Case was asked by the CIO of a charitable foundation, an attendee in one city, to repeat the presentation later that day for the organization’s full investment team.

Case presented in Little Rock, Arkansas; Jacksonville, Florida, Jackson, Mississipi; Memphis, Tennessee, and New Orleans. The five cities were the latest in a broader outreach to an influential nationwide group of investment decision-makers.

Previously, Case  made similar presentations about REIT investing to 31 CFA societies in 36 cities. He has another nine presentations to CFA societies scheduled in 12 cities over the coming months.

Case’s presentation, “Equity Investing in Real Estate Through Public and Private Markets,” is available for download through the Arkansas society’s website.

(Contact: Brad Case at bcase@nareit.com)