Market Commentary The Importance of Underrepresented Asset Classes in Defined Contribution Plans For decades, defined benefit (DB) pension plans have been using real estate successfully within their investment portfolios. 05/06/2024 Image
Market Commentary Actively Managed Real Estate Fund Tracker: 2023Q4 Nareit tracks quarterly investment holdings for the 27 largest actively managed real estate investment funds focusing on REIT investment for insight on expert investor sentiment. 03/27/2024 Image
Market Commentary REIT Allocations in Pension Funds Increase Nareit analysis of data from Preqin, a financial research firm that tracks investments in alternative assets, indicates that the use of REITs by pension plans has been increasing, particularly among the largest, most sophisticated plans. 02/29/2024 Image
Market Commentary REITs Continue to Improve GRESB Scores GRESB, an independent organization providing validated sustainability performance data and peer benchmarks for investors and managers, has released its 2023 Real Estate Assessment, which measures the sustainability performance of individual real estate portfolios based on self-reported data. 02/23/2024 Image
Industry News High Dividend Yields Lead Investors to Use mREITs in Income-Generating Portfolios Debt financing through mortgages is the most common way people and businesses buy their homes and commercial properties. 02/07/2024 Image
Market Commentary Increased Equity Investment Boosts Number of Americans Invested in REITs to Nearly 170 Million New research by Nareit estimates that 168 million Americans, or roughly 50% of American households, were invested in REIT stocks in 2023. 02/02/2024 Image
Market Commentary REITs Supported 3.4 Million Jobs in 2022 REITs supported an estimated 3.4 million fulltime equivalent (FTE) jobs in the U.S. in 2022, producing $263 billion in labor income. 01/03/2024 Image
Market Commentary Actively Managed Real Estate Fund Tracker: 2023 Q3 Nareit tracks quarterly investment holdings for the 27 largest actively managed real estate investment funds focusing on REIT investment for insight on expert investor sentiment. 12/01/2023 Image
Market Commentary REITs Own 575,000 Properties in the U.S. Nareit’s annual update of REIT property counts and estimated gross asset values by state and property sector is now available on the REITs Across America website. 11/03/2023 Image
Industry News Housing Starts Rebound Key to Timber REITs’ Success Timberland REITs specialize in harvesting and selling timber for lumber products. 10/04/2023 Image
Market Commentary Actively Managed Real Estate Fund Tracker: 2023Q2 Infrastructure, data centers, and health care each have more than a 10% share of assets. 09/28/2023 Image