Real Estate Professor Says the Right CEO Hire is Board’s Number One Priority
04/19/2019 | by Nareit Staff

Cydney Donnell, director of real estate programs at Texas A&M University’s Mays Business School, participated in a video interview at Nareit’s REITwise: 2019 Law, Accounting & Finance Conference in San Antonio.

Donnell discussed the changes in diversity of thought among corporate boards over the years.

“We’ve seen some progress. Some of it is being forced to happen, but over time boards realized that bringing in the viewpoints of a variety of experiences adds to the level of strategic thought, [and] being able to move the company forward. Real estate doesn’t operate in a vacuum like it used to,” Donnell said.

Donnell also commented on some of the best practices REIT boards should implement. “The number one priority of any board is the right CEO hire. If you don’t have the proper leadership for your company then a whole host of other things are not going to go well,” she said.